Mathematical Conferences Niš, Serbia, 13th Serbian Mathematical Congress

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Some asymptotic properties of second order differential equation
Julka Dimitrije Knezevic-Miljanovic

Last modified: 2014-01-31


Asymptotic properties of solutions have been considered for some nonlinear second order dierential equations. The paper deals with investigation of bounded solutions, oscillatory solutions and another asymptotic properties. We also give sucient conditions, in order that the dierential equations of second order has innitely many solutions satisfying Cauchys problem. For general
information is referred a short reference.


[1] Knezevic-Miljanovic, J, On asymptotical properties of solutions of second order non-linear equation,in Russian Uspehi matematicheskih nauk, T 47, 3(285), 1992, 163-164.
[2] Kiguradze, I.T. and Chanturiya, T.A., Asymptotic Properties of Solutions of Nonautonomous Ordinary Dierential Equations (Asimptoticheskie svoistva reshenii neavtonomnykh obyknovennykh dierentsialnykh uravnenii), Moscow: Nauka, 1990.
[3] J, Knezevic-Miljanovic, On Cauchy problem and solution of Emden Fowler type of equation, Dierential equations, Vol.45, N1, 1610-1612, 2009


asymptotic property,second order differential equations