Mathematical Conferences Niš, Serbia, 13th Serbian Mathematical Congress

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Problems that a teacher in primary school has while applying regular laws in work and the solutions that lead to better results in PISA tests and final exam
Radoje Košanin

Last modified: 2014-01-31


In this work you can find practical solutions for postulates given in the rule book about the assessment in primary schools. The criteria for summative marks are not sufficiently defined in the regulations of evaluation, so they don’t help us in fulfilling purposes and aims of the rule book itself. I have made this framework of assessment so that evaluation could be motivating and objective, moreover it should enable the continuous following of realizing the aims, outcomes and standards of achievements in students while acquiring the school programme. The organization of the school process with the student in the centre enables the teacher to record the elements of a formative mark as well as it enables the student to give answers and get better mark almost every class. As the pencil  is not any more the basic means of intellectual work, the velocity of the personal computer is used to get the information about the abilities of every student, to choose the proper tasks, to record the student`s progress and to inform parents and give them suggestions for further improvement in the shortest possible time interval. In order to use all this in my practice, I have made my own electronic workbook (book of problems) which contains precisely selected problems according to the level of achievement of educational standards, explorative problems  and problems for students with special needs or inclusive programmes. The result of such approach is that parent becomes the real support to his child, the mark is the result of motivation not a “gift”, and finally, every student knows how to acquire better mark. If a student wants to get a positive mark, it is necessary to achieve the elementary level of educational standards. That will help us make a big step in accomplishing the effort that the percentage of children with insufficient mathematic capabilities will be less than 15% until 2020.