Mathematical Conferences Niš, Serbia, 13th Serbian Mathematical Congress

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One Invariant of Intrinsic Shape
Nikita Shekutkovski, Aneta Velkoska

Last modified: 2014-01-31


In the paper will be shown that proximate fundamental group introduced in [2] is an invariant of pointed intrinsic shape, and will be introducedthe higher proximate groups.
1. N. Shekutkovski, Intrinsic definition of strong shape for compact metric spaces, Topology Proceedings 39, 2012, 27-39
2. Proximate fundamental group, N. Shekutkovski, A. Velkoska, Proceedings of the FMNS 2013, Volume 1


pointed homotopy up to a covering, pointed proximate nets, proximate fundamental group, invariant of Intrinsic Shape