Mathematical Conferences Niš, Serbia, 13th Serbian Mathematical Congress

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Monodromy groupoids of topological internal groupoids
Osman Mucuk, H. Fulya AKIZ

Last modified: 2014-03-07



The notion of monodromy groupoid is used by  J. Pradines  togeneralise the standard construction of a simply connected Lie groupfrom a Lie algebra to a corresponding construction of a Lie groupoidfrom a Lie algebroid. 
Let $G$ be  a  topological groupoid  such that the fibres of initial point map of the groupoid are path connectedand have universal covers. Let  $\Mon( G)$ be  the disjoint union ofthe universal covers of the fibres at the base pointsidentities of the groupoid $G$.  Then there is a groupoid structureon $\Mon( G)$ defined by the concatenation composition of the pathsin the fibres.   The topological groupoid structures of $\Mon( G)$  are studied underin \cite{Br-Mu2}.  The groupoid  $\Mon(G)$ is called  {\em monodromy groupoid}  of $G$.
A {\em group-groupoid} is a group object in the category of groupoids; equivalently, itis an internal category and hence an internal groupoid  in the category of groups \cite{Por}.  An alternative name, quite generally used,  is  ``$2$-group''.  Recently the notion of monodromy for  topological  group-groupoids was  introduced and investigated in  \cite{Mu-Be-Tu-Na}.
In this paper,  the internal groupoid structure of monodromy groupoid for topological internal groupoids is developed.

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{ O. Mucuk,  B. Kılıçarslan, T. Şahan  and N. Alemdar N. } {\em Group-groupoid and monodromy groupoid}, Topology and its Applications 158 (2011) 2034-2042.

{Mu-Tu-Na}{ O. Mucuk, T. Şahan  and  N. Alemdar}, {\em Normality and quotients in crossed modules and group-groupoids},  Applied Categorical Structures (On line). DOI 10.1007/s10485-013-9335-6

{ T. Porter}, {\em  Extensions, crossed modules and internalcategories in categories of groups with operations}, Proc. Edinb.  Math. Soc. 30 (1987) 373-381.


Internal groupoid, 2-group, universal covering, monodromy groupoid