Mathematical Conferences Niš, Serbia, 13th Serbian Mathematical Congress

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Analogue of Gauss-Lucas theorem for complex polynomials
Blagovest Sendov

Last modified: 2014-04-29


Let $S(\phi)= \{z:\;|\arg(z)|\geq \phi\}$ be a sector on the complex plane $\CC$. If $\phi\geq \pi/2$, then $S(\phi)$ is a convex set and, according to the Gauss-Lucas theorem, if a polynomial $p(z)$ has all its zeros on $S(\phi)$, then the same is true for the zeros of all its derivatives. The main theorem in this lecture, called {\bf Sector theorem}, asserts that if the polynomial $p(z)$ is with real and non negative coefficients, then the same is true also for $\phi < \pi/2$, when the sector is not a convex set on the complex plane.

The Sector theorem is applied to prove stronger Rolle's theorem for complex polynomials.